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Selling on Eventeny FAQs

How to Set Up a Shop and Start Selling on Eventeny.

Here is a complete guide to setting up and selling with us.

What size and format should photos be when uploaded?

All photos must be either jpeg or png format and should be less than 20MBs each.

What is the transaction charge?

When you sell an item, there's a small fee to cover the costs (5% transaction fee) and a standard credit card processing fee (~2.9% + $0.30) on the full price, including shipping and taxes. This allows us to

  • run the platform 
  • provide continuous support 
  • add new features

Some event organizers may have separate costs or fees associated with their events. Please reach out to them directly for additional details.

My Stripe account isn’t linking to my account on Eventeny.

When you set up your Stripe account, be sure to use the same email address as the one on your Eventeny account.

If my items are too large to ship, can I have a delivery option for local areas only?

Yes! You can select the shipping type option Self or In-Person Delivery. When you select this option you will see a Delivery Restriction box where you can enter the area restrictions.

If returns are necessary, how will that process work?

You can refund the order and mark it as Return in the Product Management section.

What happens when a sale is made?

You don't need to update your sales tax settings under their shop pages. To make it easier, we automatically calculate sales tax for items sold on Eventeny with no additional fees. The sales tax will be calculated based on the buyer's address. You will receive the sales tax with the total payout. It is important to note that, as a platform, we cannot provide specific tax advice.

While Eventeny delivers a means to apply taxes to your transactions, we do not warrant that these tax amounts will fully satisfy your sales and use tax reporting obligations.

For a final determination on these matters, please seek assistance from your tax advisor.

Is there a video walkthrough showing how to add items to my shop?

Yes! Check out these step-by-step videos to see how to add more photos of a particular item.

Can I upload more than one photo of a particular item?

Yes! Check out the step-by-step instructions to see how to add more photos of a particular item.

Since I personalize my items, how can the buyer tell me what they want it to say?

Toggling Allow Customization when creating your product allows buyers to customize the product. Once you receive the order, you can message them directly within the platform for clarification.

How will the funds from transactions get to me?

The funds transfer to your bank account via Stripe. When setting up your page, just connect your Eventeny account to your Stripe account. Here are step-by-step instructions.

Can I also direct people to my website?

There is an input box available to list your website, if available.

However, actively encouraging people to external websites or other venues to purchase items is prohibited to ensure buyer protection. A transaction initiated on Eventeny may not be completed off of Eventeny. Sellers may not alter the item’s price after a sale, misrepresent the item’s location, or use another user’s account without permission.

Are there shipping options?

Yes! Four shipping options are available:

  • Free
  • Fixed
  • Calculated
  • Self-delivery
Once I create my own page on Eventeny, will it still be there while I'm not participating in events?

Yes! The page(shop) you create is yours and will stay with your account. All you have to do is keep your products up-to-date to keep selling on Eventeny, if you're currently involved in an event or not.

What happens after my sale?

You will receive an email with the address, contact information, and any additional notes. Here is access to more important information, such as

  • Financial breakdown
  • Exportable sales data
  • Addition of shipment tracking information
  • See when you will receive your funds

Here is a guide to payout methods
Here is a direct link to your Stripe dashboard