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All-in-one event management solution

Upgrade spreadsheets to workflows!

Eventeny makes it easy to manage your vendors, volunteers, sponsors, attendees, maps, schedules, contracts, and more all in one place.

Manage your artists, vendors, & exhibitors

Build your event and make it look easy.

Attract, review and accept the best exhibitors and vendors through your Eventeny platform. Plus, their information, requirements, and payments are stored in Eventeny, so you can stay organized. We've got you covered so you can track and analyze the data over time and across events.

Recognize your volunteers

Recognize your team for their hard work.

No more stress! We made volunteer management easy. With just a few clicks, you can accept, reassign, and message your volunteers. And everything syncs automatically — jobs, shifts, locations, and more.

Partner with sponsors

Partnership starts with building the best team.

Partner with sponsors and activate them in a way that benefits your event and budget. We help you maintain the relationships that you have worked hard to cultivate.

Build your map

Bringing everyone together makes a difference.

Bring everyone together. Make exhibitors, vendors, and sponsors feel like part of your event by connecting them on the map, highlighting them, communicating necessary information, and empowering their brand.

Outfox chaos with Eventeny

Power your events with Eventeny!

Eventeny is free to use for events of any size. We also offer paid plans with additional functionalities for exhibitors, vendors, sponsors, and volunteers.