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A Husband Out of This World
Novel, Ecchi Isekai, Fandom

Deovandski Skibinski starts an inspiring saga with his book A Husband Out of This World, a dark, ecchi isekai novel with full-page color illustrations. 


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Deo: My name Deovandski Skibinski Junior or just Deo, and then the book's name is A Husband Out of This World. The first book's name is Failed Experiment and the second book is gonna be Lab Sereno and you're following Harry as he's going to another world. However, unlike a usual Isekai, Harry barely has any image of who he is and where he's at, so he's trying to figure life out. At the same time, you also follow along with the other characters around and what they're trying to do, their motivations, akin to Game of Thrones and some of these people you could say, they're not exactly, they're very narcissistic. So they're trying to do something for themselves at the cost of Harry and what the dark path that is ahead of him, and he needs to try to get out of it at some point. 

VO: Sometimes you have to chase your dreams, even if they're in an unusual direction.

Deo: I'm foremost a software developer, but I just discovered this passion in writing. So I was like, well, let's let's see where the where does it take me. 

VO: And what part of switching gears has been the most challenging?

Deo: All of it because I did come from a very different world of software development. So when I started to kind of, you know, dig my feet into a story writing it'syou know, it's kind of going from the, you know, STEM Science, Technology, Math, Logic, and something that is not really like it has It’s own rules and everything but you kind of you're supposed to break rules. All right. Yeah. So basically started like October of 2019 where I just had this extremely vivid dream and I woke up at like five am and I just started writing the caveat is that I never really wrote before that other than like a few side bits and stuff. So when I started like writing it down part of me was like, well, why am I doing this and I wasn’t really sure myself but I just kept writing and writing and then at a point I had like a mental blockade because I am a very visual person. So I had like a contest for a freelancer and I met what is now my illustrator and we've been basically working together for these years and we spend a lot of time kind of like on the beauty of the word and kind of setting the rules, characters, and then we started like writing book one. I rewrote the book, four or five times because every time I'll write it I was just not feel It, it was like “oh, this is crap.” I need to get this better up to a point that I feel confident. Because I've watched a lot of isekai enemies or like reincarnation stories in Japanese anime and I was I started to see lots of like common patterns and I was missing that feeling of like actually living in another word. So I think that kind of culminated into the dream that I had where like no, I want to make my own isekai anime, but really make it unique. I want to really take like a different direction. 

VO: What did completing that first book feel like for Dio 

Deo: When we actually like I received the first printed book and getting my hands on that, like, I actually made this. That was pretty fun. And and I think that for that one. I did go to Malaysia where the illustrator is and we kind of like celebrated together

VO: The next challenge selling people on an entire book with the limited time that you get at events. 

Deo: Usually only have like a few seconds of your passing by They, you know, they look at your table in like two seconds and they already decided if they're gonna stop by. So one of the things that I noticed was to not only actually have pages of my book open so that they can see illustrations and they kind of like just like self invites just pick up a book instead of like checking out. The best one was, I had pictures of three other animes that are very close to what I loved and in a sense inspired me. It was like Iris Zero, Jobless Reincarnation and which is a basically from commonplace to like world stories. I had like pictures of those three animes and people who are passing by they would like see something that they know so they would kind of like stop and then try to like read and see what else I had to offer based on that recommendation. What I like wish for is to be able to complete the first Arc which is going to be the first four books and have like a fan base of like five to ten thousand people.

VO: So if you're ready to find the next fresh story for your event, reach out to Dio. Because at Eventeny,  we love helping you find unique talent.